Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rolling With My Homies

This just in.....

Kyla can now roll from tummy to back AND back to tummy!!!!

She rolled from tummy to back the first time when she was 3 months old

She rolled from back to tummy on sat 4/30 - today she decided she really enjoys rolling around her daddy said she has been doing it all day!

video to follow!!!

PS - why is my baby girl growing up so fast :(

I have gone INSANE

Mikey and I started the Insanity Workout last Monday - and I am convinced in doing so we have lost our minds.

They don't call this Insanity for nothing!! It is the most intense workout I have ever seen!

Ive never done a workout where the people in the video are dropping like flies - I am dripping in sweat and clutching to my chest by the time the first 5 mins have gone by and that is just THE WARMUP!!!!!

Nevertheless - We are on week 2 and I already feel stronger!

I love that I am doing this with Mikey - usually in the evenings he would be up in his office on the computer and i would be downstairs and we really didnt hang out - Now we have a standing date every night to get our butts kicked by Shaun T - romantic isnt it?? LOL

Here are my 1st fit test results:
switch kicks 30
power jacks 31
power knees 46
power jumps 10
globe jumps 9
suicide jumps 8
push up jacks 5
low plank oblique 20

We do another fit test 5/16/11 - So ill post my results then.

We started week 2 this monday and it doesnt get any easier - in fact we both noticed it seems a bit harder this week

If you are interested in joining in on the Insanity - check out my website you can get it there