Wednesday, July 21, 2010


We are now in our 16th week of pregnancy!! 24 more weeks to go!!  one thing that used to drive me berserk (before i was pregnant) was when I asked a pregnant women how far along she was - and she would respond in weeks. I never understood what that meant and i would end up just smiling and nodding until I was alone to count the weeks and divide them by months so that i could understand.... maybe it was just me...maybe I was just stupid. But! In case im not the only one - I have included a chart:

First Trimester
  • Month 1 - weeks 1-4
  • Month 2 - weeks 5-8
  • Month 3 - weeks 9-13
Second Trimester  
  • Month 4 - weeks 14-17
  • Month 5 - weeks 18-21
  • Month 6 - weeks 22-26
Third Trimester
  • Month 7- weeks 27-30
  • Month 8- weeks 31-35
  • Month 9- weeks 36-40
People have also been requesting "belly shots" so I will add weekly pics of my rapidly growing belly!! Ill also post ultrasound pics.

Ok so last Thursday i had my monthly Dr. appoinment. This time we met with Dr. Domnitz... I love him! Mikey came with me BC I was having blood drawn and I cant deal with that. And as predicted the Dr. had trouble getting blood from my vien in my arm - so after attempting a few times he moved on to my hand. Not fun to say the least. I asked him about the headaches - he said to remember to stay hydrated especially in the heat waves we've been having. I asked about the heart flutters - he said its probably due to the extra blood i have pumping through me since im pregnant. We heard the babes heartbeat which was strong!

I scheduled my anatomy scan for 8/16!! I literally CAN'T WAIT!! I see a few peeps voted on what we are having and its tied 50/50!! I really cant tell !! We will have to wait and see on Aug 16th !!!

So according to my baby books - i should begin to feel some baby movements this month - it called quickening not actual kicks yet because the baby isnt big or strong enough to kick. I have been having a wierd "gliding" feeling - i dont know if this is the baby or if it just my uterus growing. Im not really sure what I should be feeling - but they say the first movment should feel like "butterflies in your belly"

This past weekend Mikey, Zack and I took a mini vacay to Cheryl's parents' condo in AC. We had a great time!! Unfortunatley pregnancy brain struck again and I forgot my camera, so I have no pictures :(  We did ALOT of walking - and a ton of activities!! im glad we were able to go down there with Zack - this is our last summer of just the 3 of us, and we wanted to make it special! We all had a great time in the ocean splashing in the waves!! I loooove watching Mikey and Zack together- they love each other soo much and they have so much fun together. I think my husband is an AMAZING father and I cant wait for our little one to meet him!

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