Friday, November 11, 2011


So a couple of weeks ago something inside of me awoken. I began to feel stiflingly buried beneath clutter.
I don't just mean clutter as in a messy house (although that was a part of it) I mean clutter in all aspects of my life.
My head was FILLED with clutter - thoughts, feelings, emotions I was holding on to that were inhibiting me to develop as an adult,wife, mother
My house was filled with clutter of papers and things that had no value or reason for being saved - I just couldn't let go of them
My closet was filled with clutter of clothes that no longer fit or outfits I no longer had any business wearing (I don't think Ill be clubbing any time soon)
My body was filled with clutter of extra lbs that had no business being there - my baby is almost a year old and I should be a lot further in my weight loss

All this clutter kept burying me deeper and deeper inside of myself - I was suffocating under it - I became depressed (but I'm so good at hiding it!!)

And then one day - I realized - I looked at myself from the outside and I was embarrassed.

This is not who I am or want to be. I decided right there I am going to change - IMMEDIATELY

I am on my path to be the person I want to be. That sounds so cliche - but I don't care!

So here is what Ive been doing:

1. Got my diet in check- I have been a member of since February and I am just now really starting to get into it- logging daily, connecting with others for moral support, etc and in the past few weeks I have gone from obese (did i just put that on my public blog???) to just overwieght!! I am now less than 10lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight!! And then i'd like to lose another 20 or so lbs after that.

2.Decluttering my home - I have been OBSESSED with organization blogs lately - and its so inspiring to see these ladies in action - I mean this is a wake up call for me because I was never a organized/tidy gal. But I feel sooooo much better getting my home in check - I want to be proud of my living space all the time and not a crazy person running to clean 10 mins before guests come over. A tool most of the orginization bloggers (my new heros) use is a household binder - I created one and I think it will be a great tool for me. Once I finish it up I will post my binder and how I use it.

3.Purging my closet- This I just did last night and it felt AHHMAZING!! It also came at a perfect time, because my town is holding a clothing drive this weekend. I gathered 6 garbage bags from just my closet alone!! Tonight I will tackle Zack and Mikeys clothes. Kyla's stuff is packed away once she grows out of it - Its all mostly hand me downs and will be saved for the next little girl in the family - whether it be mine or someone elses. I also found several high end items (some with tags-some worn once or twice)so I gathered those and will bring them to a consignment shop.

4.Financial Clutter- In other words debt (I hate that dirty d word) My husband and I both made some stupid financial mistakes - not only in the past but in the present -I am mortified beyond belief that we have been living the way we were - and I guess you can say we have hit rock bottom. Admitting you need help is the first step right? Well the past is the past and I cannot unchange it - but moving forward I have a new outlook on our bleak financial future - I have discovered Dave Ramsey and I am reading his book Total Money Makeover. I feel like this is something we can do - and I am beginning to understand the difference between Wants vs. Needs

my next tasks are going to be organizing our new clutter free home and lives. I feel like Im in a really good place mentally right now - I have a new clarity in my mind.

I hope this blog will help be my accountability tool and I will blog often about my progress


  1. this is exactly how i feel!!! i'll be fine during the day, but as it wined down i get so overwhelmed by all the little clutter projects around my house that need to be done. i'm glad i'm not alone!! this gives me hope :) lol. i'm going to try and be as motivated as you!

  2. What great acknowledgement on your part as well an effort to move forward in your progress. Celebrate that progress and accept any set backs, for each day is a new one in which to shine.


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