Tuesday, July 13, 2010


So, Im officially in my second trimester - you know the "honeymoon trimester". It hasn't been much of a honeymoon for me though, I have been having TERRIBLE migraines this past week. I would my have them up until the time I fell asleep until the time I woke up in the morning. Considering my first trimester was a breeze with no morning sickness at all - this honeymoon SUCKS!!
I asked the nurse @ my OBGYN what I could do for them and she told me Tylenol and rest -ughh. Taking Tyleonol is like taking tic tacs it does NOTHING.

I have an appoinment on Thurs so ill be asking the Dr. about this.

So we are about 5 weeks away from finding out the gender of our little one!! I will be adding a poll so you can guess what we are having. HOW FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So far we have gotten mixed views. I have no idea - I have had dreams about the baby and one day it will be a boy and the next it will be a boy. Mikey is hoping for a boy, and I guess I am hoping for a girl - but honestly I dont care either way :) I just cant wait to find out!!

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