Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I feel like this is going to be MY year - I really do.

from 2008-2010 I was in wedding planning mode
2010-2011 I was in pregnant/new wife/ new mommy madness mode

2012 - will be about finding my true self and doing all that I can to live the life I want.

I had this discovery in November and was pushing through with my goals and a focused mind - but sadly tragedy struck

As I mentioned in my previous post my grampy suffered a massive stroke and sadly did not recover.

He left this world on December 11th 2011

He never woke up after the stroke - so I don't think he suffered, which gives me peace. He spent his last days on earth surrounded 24/7 by his beloved kids (all 11 of em) and grand-kids and even his only great granddaughter - which i thank God everyday my daughter had an opportunity to meet the man who raised me, and loved me so much unconditionally.

Although she wont remember him - I will always show her pictures and tell her how much he loved her, and how special she was to him.

I miss him so much - I think I am still in shock a bit -

I have peace knowing that he is in heaven with my Grandmother and all his family and friends who went before him.

I just miss him so much - I wasn't ready to say good bye.

So this tragic period in my life put a halt on all my progress - I was so overtaken with grief I stopped caring - Luckily my husband kept reminding me that my grandparents would want us to have a spectacular Christmas for our children and we need to keep the Christmas spirit up even though we were so sad. The children shouldn't lose their Christmas "magic"

So I got through it -

And now I want to regain the focus I had before this heart breaking sadness took over

So I would like to list my resolutions for 2012

1. to lose 35 lbs
2.pay off personal debts and stick to a budget
3.date nights with hubby biweekly
4.keep the house, my car and my purse organized and clean
5.to go to church regularly

I know, I know it seems like a lot - and I am just setting myself up for failure

but am I??

These were my same goals in November, but now that its a New Year I get to rename them as "resolutions"

I am also breaking it down into smaller monthly goals

So for January:

I will log my daily food/exercise into myfitnesspal.com - everyday for 30 days no matter if i eat donuts and ice cream all day - I am committing to log it.

My weight loss goal for Jan is 5lbs

I will commit to do Turbo Fire 5-6 days a week and 1 hot yoga class a week

I will set up my monthly budget and track spending

I will use the tips and organizing calenedars on my fave blogs to get/stay organized in Jan

I will go to church every sunday in Jan

At the end of the month I will re-evaluate my goals and set goals for Feb and so on.

So I am committed to those things for the next 30 days, lets see how I do.

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