Wednesday, July 21, 2010


We are now in our 16th week of pregnancy!! 24 more weeks to go!!  one thing that used to drive me berserk (before i was pregnant) was when I asked a pregnant women how far along she was - and she would respond in weeks. I never understood what that meant and i would end up just smiling and nodding until I was alone to count the weeks and divide them by months so that i could understand.... maybe it was just me...maybe I was just stupid. But! In case im not the only one - I have included a chart:

First Trimester
  • Month 1 - weeks 1-4
  • Month 2 - weeks 5-8
  • Month 3 - weeks 9-13
Second Trimester  
  • Month 4 - weeks 14-17
  • Month 5 - weeks 18-21
  • Month 6 - weeks 22-26
Third Trimester
  • Month 7- weeks 27-30
  • Month 8- weeks 31-35
  • Month 9- weeks 36-40
People have also been requesting "belly shots" so I will add weekly pics of my rapidly growing belly!! Ill also post ultrasound pics.

Ok so last Thursday i had my monthly Dr. appoinment. This time we met with Dr. Domnitz... I love him! Mikey came with me BC I was having blood drawn and I cant deal with that. And as predicted the Dr. had trouble getting blood from my vien in my arm - so after attempting a few times he moved on to my hand. Not fun to say the least. I asked him about the headaches - he said to remember to stay hydrated especially in the heat waves we've been having. I asked about the heart flutters - he said its probably due to the extra blood i have pumping through me since im pregnant. We heard the babes heartbeat which was strong!

I scheduled my anatomy scan for 8/16!! I literally CAN'T WAIT!! I see a few peeps voted on what we are having and its tied 50/50!! I really cant tell !! We will have to wait and see on Aug 16th !!!

So according to my baby books - i should begin to feel some baby movements this month - it called quickening not actual kicks yet because the baby isnt big or strong enough to kick. I have been having a wierd "gliding" feeling - i dont know if this is the baby or if it just my uterus growing. Im not really sure what I should be feeling - but they say the first movment should feel like "butterflies in your belly"

This past weekend Mikey, Zack and I took a mini vacay to Cheryl's parents' condo in AC. We had a great time!! Unfortunatley pregnancy brain struck again and I forgot my camera, so I have no pictures :(  We did ALOT of walking - and a ton of activities!! im glad we were able to go down there with Zack - this is our last summer of just the 3 of us, and we wanted to make it special! We all had a great time in the ocean splashing in the waves!! I loooove watching Mikey and Zack together- they love each other soo much and they have so much fun together. I think my husband is an AMAZING father and I cant wait for our little one to meet him!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


So, Im officially in my second trimester - you know the "honeymoon trimester". It hasn't been much of a honeymoon for me though, I have been having TERRIBLE migraines this past week. I would my have them up until the time I fell asleep until the time I woke up in the morning. Considering my first trimester was a breeze with no morning sickness at all - this honeymoon SUCKS!!
I asked the nurse @ my OBGYN what I could do for them and she told me Tylenol and rest -ughh. Taking Tyleonol is like taking tic tacs it does NOTHING.

I have an appoinment on Thurs so ill be asking the Dr. about this.

So we are about 5 weeks away from finding out the gender of our little one!! I will be adding a poll so you can guess what we are having. HOW FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So far we have gotten mixed views. I have no idea - I have had dreams about the baby and one day it will be a boy and the next it will be a boy. Mikey is hoping for a boy, and I guess I am hoping for a girl - but honestly I dont care either way :) I just cant wait to find out!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Holy Heatwave Batman!!

So it was 107 degrees today in sunny NJ! and the central ac in our apt only will go down to 15 degrees lower than the outside temp... so when I came home today the thermostat read 93 degrees inside !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG
My Grampy let us borrow a window AC which helps a lot and we have fans in each room, but jeeze louise i am suffering and its supposed to be this way all week!

So onto pregnancy news...........................................................................................................................

Had my NT Scan done on 6/24/10 it was amazing to see how much the baby had grown! We brought Zack to the ultrasound and he thought it was cool - he was good at pointing out the different body parts on the baby. He thinks that the baby looked like a boy. The baby was moving alot and he/she was sucking its thumb :) I will post pics later on

That same evening i had my practitioner visit- i met Dr. Dombo for the first time, she was nice but it kinda rushed me. I heard the babys heart beat, she said it was very strong. I kinda clam up at the dr.'s and Mikey wasnt with me to ask the questions i forgot. He is coming to next appoinment.

i called the Dr's office a week after the scan to get the results and everything came out fine.

Today I am 14 weeks!!
 That means the First Trimester is behind me and i am starting the Second Tri!

week 14 development info after the jump