Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Kyla

Ok it was almost a month ago. I'm a bad mommy... Moving right along

My boogie boo turned 1 on December 17th. I can't believe a year has gone by already. She is so amazing. And I'm so honored to be her mama.

I had big plans for her party but seeing as my grampy passed away a week prior, things kind of fell apart.

Nevertheless, she had a wonderful party surrounded by everyone who loves her. And her great grandparents in heaven looking down on her.

Her big brother made a special appearance for the occasion!! She loves him so much

Her theme was minnie mouse hot pink zebra - and I loved her custom outfit!!! It was made by

they have AHHHDORABLE outfits, tutus bows, etc. They also made Kyla's dress when she did a local pageant over the summer. Love them!!

She got not 1 but 2 fur coats !!! My friends know what a diva miss thang is !!! She got a ton of cute clothes and books, and toys - We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family.

Her cakes were made my cousin maria - She did such a great job - I swear she should go into business!!!!!

Thank you to everyone who made it possible - Especially Uncle John and Cheryl who lent us their home and Sanna - who helped us set everything up, Aunt Erin who made food and everyone who came for the festivities


  1. That coat is totes adorable!! Love it!!

  2. love the fur coat, i think my little princess needs one for next year!!

  3. Her outfit is just too cute!! Looks like she had a great 1st birthday party!! (bbc momma)

  4. So cute! Her birthday is only a few days after my son's. Happy belated birthday!


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